Keep It Secret

I had a chat with my close friend today and telling me that somebody I knew had courted her last months. The guy graduated with the degree of AB Theology, and the lady graduated with the Nursing degree. They both graduated from my school where I was schooled and earned the degree of BSEd-English.

Well, that man tried to win her love and trust. She was being invited to attend the man’s crusade in a certain place, but the lady refused for she did not like him.

Time came when the lady decided to go home for the school break and the guy took him to the pier. He fed her and treated her as if she was a queen. Before she stepped into the ladder of the boat, the man asked the lady a good bye hug. The lady was shocked and she told her that if he insisted she would give him a blow. Anyway, the man did not force her.

When the lady arrived home, she showed to her parents the picture of that man courting her. The parents concluded that that man looked older than the lady’s daddy.

Personally, I don’t want him to be the special someone of my friend. I do not see any chemistry that would blend that two as one.

Lately, the lady genuinely asked the man to stop making moves to make her love him because she did not really like him.

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